Thursday, November 11, 2010 ♥
Dear all, Due to the recent increase in cases of WANNABES, killing and slashing people for no reasons, we are also affected by the cases. As you all would know by now, the police are increasing their screenings and randomly locking ppl up. So, it will b very difficult for us to carry on our meetings for the moment. It will be a sure KENA screening and random lock ups for us. Most of our darlas are innocent and very decent people. I would not want u to get into troubles with your parents if u randomly got screened n den detained. So for the time being, we are letting u decide whether or not u want to stay in the clan. Please decide by the end of this mth n get back to the heads. So mitings are on hold for the moments.
Nalor chyks && dudes heree [[:
we are mix of females && males , of different aqes .
we lauqhh , screamm , shout , cry && fiqht toqether as ONEEunitedd clann .
we love eachh other as brothers&&sisters , try to breake us down ? we break your face first [[:
NOspamminq ORR shittinq heree !
not happy withh one of us ? come andandd face us all [[:
bold strikethrough underlined italic
Thursday, November 11, 2010 ♥
Dear all, Due to the recent increase in cases of WANNABES, killing and slashing people for no reasons, we are also affected by the cases. As you all would know by now, the police are increasing their screenings and randomly locking ppl up. So, it will b very difficult for us to carry on our meetings for the moment. It will be a sure KENA screening and random lock ups for us. Most of our darlas are innocent and very decent people. I would not want u to get into troubles with your parents if u randomly got screened n den detained. So for the time being, we are letting u decide whether or not u want to stay in the clan. Please decide by the end of this mth n get back to the heads. So mitings are on hold for the moments.